We start as a “living globe of energy” and soon find things about ourselves that others do not like. We put them in a bag, that becomes our shadow. ~Robert Bly (1926-2021).

I agree with Bly on this point. In his writing, he explored the stuff he put in his bag. I don't agree with many of his stances, but this one makes me thoughtful.

My writing explores the stuff in my bag. I am retired after a successful career, and I am grateful for the health, energy, and time to sort out my bag.

I also write for fun. Making up stories through poetry and prose that I hope will engage, entertain, or enchant readers.

I am a straight female, married to the same man for many years, and still in love with him.

I am educated, perhaps overeducated, since only one of three master’s degrees led to monetary stability [Nutrition & Dietetics], though the other two led to intellectual stability [Creativity and Change Leadership, Library Science].

Bly, R. (1988). A Little Book on the Human Shadow. HarperCollins Publishers Inc.: New York.